Certain plants , whether they like it or not, become part of a wave of…
Lawn Became Essential Landscape Feature
Lawn Became Essential Landscape Feature
Beginning in 1859, and for the next twenty-nine years, Philadelphia nurseryman Thomas Meehan published a magazine called Gardener’s Monthly.
In the first pages of each issue he provided advice on taking care of the lawn, thus reinforcing its importance in the home landscape for the reader.
He considered the lawn an essential feature for the home landscape, no matter what size.
Built in 1904 the Eleanor Cabot Bradley Estate in Canton, Massachusetts now forms part of the house and garden list of the Trustees of Reservations.
Lawn surrounds the red brick house, giving the landscape that English garden look from the end of the nineteenth century. [below]
Meehan wrote in the magazine’s 1860 issue: “The rarest flowers-the choicest fruits-the nicest arrangement of all things on the most scientific principles, are lost to us, if they are not crowned by a perfect lawn. To the lawn we bow; and as a subject of horticulture, offer to the lawn our strongest allegiance.”
In February 1869 Meehan wrote in his magazine that the lawn meant more to Americans than to the English: “Much as the lawn plays a part in English gardening, it is of much more account with us. Our heats render the grass particularly refreshing.”
It is little wonder that the pursuit of the perfect lawn, the signature feature of the English garden, has a long history for the American homeowner.
Nineteenth century nurserymen like Meehan considered the lawn essential in the landscape.
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