The genius behind the lawn at Chatsworth was Capability Brown (1716-1783). In the course of…
Just Received a Book Contract
When I began this blog almost two years ago, my goal was to create interest in my book, Seduction of the English Garden: The Story of American Gardening according to the Nineteenth Century Seed and Nursery Catalogs.
I have been writing the book for the past five years. Much of it is based on my year of research at the Smithsonian in Washington.
Last week Ohio University Press offered me a contract for the book.
When I received the news, for a second I felt like I had entered a different zone.

I have been plugging along reading, writing, and editing for so long with a book contract as my goal, that for a moment I was in a daze when I read the email from Ohio.
Thank you for staying with me all this time by reading this blog. I will of course continue to post twice a week.
The book will come out early next summer.
The Editor asked me to think about an image for the cover. Rawson’s seed catalog from 1888 provides an image [above] that I will suggest for the cover. What do you think of it?
Oh happy day.
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