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Last Week the Cover for the New Book Surprised Me

I could not believe my eyes when last week on Tuesday afternoon I saw it on my cellphone.

The cover for my book appeared in front of me in an email.

The title change from the book’s original, which was Seduction of the English Garden, speaks to the content of the book.

Notice that there is no subtitle on the cover.

The cover itself reveals the subtitle, if you look closely.

The cover design visually tells the reader this is a story from America’s seed and nursery catalogs of the nineteenth century.

I love that feature in the cover’s design.

The bones of the design come from the cover of the 1873 catalog of one of my favorite seedsmen, James Vick (1818-1882) from Rochester, New York.

The 1886 catalog from the Rawson Seed Company in Boston included the illustration that is here in the center.

The cover takes us one step closer to the book in print.

I am happy to tell you that Ohio University Press will publish the book next spring.

What do you think of the cover?

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