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Who Doesn’t Like Allium?

Wherever I look I see pictures or at least a mention of allium. I guess because Fall will be here soon and that's the time you plant allium. Last week English writer and horticulturist Graham Rice mentioned on Twitter the…

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Can’t We Just Enjoy Gardening

Lately I have been reading about gardening in the nineteenth century. By the 1870s the garden Industry witnessed more seed companies and nurseries spreading across the country. Every homeowner wanted a landscape with a garden. The seed houses and nurseries,…

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Never Enough about Benefits of Gardening

We gardeners love the benefits of gardening. Many rewards come our way. A customer, D. V. D. from San Francisco, once wrote to nineteenth century horticulturist James Vick (1818-1882) who owned a large seed company in Rochester, New York. In…

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