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Was Chatsworth destined to become Arcadia?
I have been seeing the word ‘arcadia’ as I read about the development of Chatsworth over the centuries.

The creative team behind the gardens wanted people to flock to Chatsworth as the most stuning garden in England. But what was guiding its design? From the beginning, it was a goal to make the garden an example of Arcadia.
That is a word that expresses the use of plants and garden design as a place to give the visitor a feeling of being in nature. Also as if it were, nothing but a return to nature.
Titchmarsh writes in his book Chatsworth: The Gardens and the People Who Made Them, “I thought the big challenge was to make Chatsworth a horticultural destination: to bring a level of detail that begins to be a counterpoint to the extraordinary setting and to create a modern hiddden landscape worthy of the name ‘Arcadia’. “

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