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Italian Garden Looked Like an American Garden
I am continuing the theme of gardens looking the same. Only this time I am not talking about America, but about Italy.
When I visited the Amalfi coast in late May, I went to Ravello to visit the Villa Rufolo. There I saw beds of flowers, arranged like carpet bedding in the nineteenth century Victorian style, also popular in America. Because of the volume of tourist traffic on the property, gravel was used here rather than the usual lawn in which you plant the beds.

The varieties of the flowers looked like what is available to us here in America like marigolds, petunias, and geraniums.
Perhaps we could say it is a case of great marketing, selling the same plants in Italy that we can buy here in America.
I would rather say that the garden has a style or fashion, in this case English Victorian, that people try to replicate, no matter where they live.
In the case of the Villa, its history does show that in fact the English garden design became a choice by the owner for his garden.
Gardening is both fashion and style and often crosses cultural bounds.
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