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When People Hated Dahlias
When people hated dahlias –
There was a time when gardeners found little pleasure in growing dahlias.
In 1866 American botanist Edward Sprague Rand, Jr. wrote in his book Garden Flowers: How to Cultivate Them , “In this country, the plant [dahlia] is falling out of favor, and is by no means as extensively grown as formerly.”
Then he wrote that gardeners are now paying more attention to the Hollyhock and Gladiolus.
Dahlias fell out of fashion. Simple as that.
He presented his reasons why that happened.
First and foremost, dahlias, he claimed, gave off an odor in the garden.
Who would ever think this beautiful dahlia called ‘Blue Bell’ would repulse gardeners because of its smell?
He called the dahlia “a rank smelling thing.”
Rand wrote, “The florists’ varieties have been obtained by years of crossing and seed saving, from D. variabilis.”
Cobsequently, there are many varieties that look alike.
“In a small garden” he wrote ” a hundred flowers can be found any one of which will well fill it’s place.”
Eventually dahlias came back into fashion. Today there seems to be plenty of interest once again in dahlias.
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