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Too Many Trees Spoil the View
Too many trees spoil the view in a landscape –
When planning a home landscape, it is a good idea to choose the number of trees you plant carefully. You want not too many, and not too few.
Though he was discussing trees in a park, Samuel Parsons in his book Landscape Gardening (1891) offered advice usefull also to the home owner.
He wrote, “We must be careful always to keep open considerable stretches of turf, endeavoring rather to flank than to cross with plants the direct line of vision through to the background.”
He wanted an unobstructed view of lawn.
In 1978 landscape historian from Dumbarton Oaks David Schuyler wrote the book called Victorian Landscape Gardening .
The book was actually a facsimile of landscape architect Jacob Weidenmanns’ book Beautifying Country Homes written in 1871. This image appeared in the book. [below]
Notice that the drawing illustrated in the long dotted line the unobstructed view between the two properties.
The advice seems to make sense.
Whether you have one acre or a hundred acres, create the opportunity for a visitor to see the lawn in a long view because too many trees spoil the view.
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