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Garden Advertising Sometimes Exaggerates

Garden Advertising Sometimes Exaggerates Advertising in America as an industry began with the N. W. Ayer & Son Company in Philadelphia in 1867. From that point on advertisers through the media of the day sought to persuade a consumer to…

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Victorian Seedsman Encouraged Advertising

Victorian seedsman encouraged advertising. New York seedsman Peter Henderson (1822-1890) wrote several popular garden books in the late nineteenth century. He also believed in the power of advertising for his company. In 1884 Philadelphia nurseryman Thomas Meehan included in his…

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Advertising Builds Loyalty

Coca-Cola, born in Atlanta at the end of the nineteenth century, owes a great deal of its success as a soda to the power of advertising. In 1985 the company, then called Coke, changed the soda's formula for the first time…

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