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Wave Petunia Celebrates 25 Years

The petunia, first brought from Argentina to England in 1831, provides a powerful example of the importance of hybridizing in the garden industry. We continue to grow petunias, and, in fact, they are among the top sellers each spring. It…

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Bergenia Flowers for Spring

Along our driveway a large section of granite rock gradually rises to almost four feet in height. There in a crevice you will find the spring blooming bergenia. I planted it many years ago. Bergenia in a crevice in the…

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Victorians Loved Bedding Out Plants

In the Victorian era in order to create the flashy flowerbeds called carpet beds or ribbon beds, a gardener had to employ an array of colorful plants, usually annuals. Luckily, thanks to plant hunters, there were annuals arriving from Asia,…

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