The genius behind the lawn at Chatsworth was Capability Brown (1716-1783). In the course of…
New Ban on Lawn for Home and Commercial Landscape

The image above of the University of Virginia illustrates the English lawn that began to be essential for the landscape in the early 1700s. Ever since we here in the US have also treasured the lawn.
That is, until last week’s new Las Vegas resolution about no lawn.
The Southen Nevada Water Authority wants to prohibit that long-familiar front lawn.
Las Vegas wants new houses and commercial property without a lawn.
I was really shocked when I read the story in the Boston Globe last week.
It does make sense since the goal in Las Vegas is to preserve precious water.

English Landscape Design
The most important element in the English garden landscape design style, begun in the early 1700s, is the lawn.
It had to be extensive and give the impression of flowing from the house to the edges of the property.
That has been our goal for centuries. We reproduce the English garden on our own property, no matter the size.
What Las Vegas is asking is that we reconsider the lawn.
Why is the lawn so important to us?
We made it that way.
But you’ll see all around the country other ways people address the issue of the lawn.
Here is a Pittsburg lawn made of gravel. [below]. Maybe something like this will become more common.
The future of the lawn continues to be up for some change.
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