The genius behind the lawn at Chatsworth was Capability Brown (1716-1783). In the course of…
New Book Cover Arrived

Last week turned out to be extra special for me.
On Monday Ohio Unversity Press sent me the cover for my new book All about Flowers: James Vick’s Nineteenth Century Seed Company.
James Vick (1818-1882) from Rochester, New York, owned one of the largest seed companies in the country.
The book tells Vick’s story, especially his passion to teach people about flowers.
Here is the cover:

The colors jump out at you and ask you to sit down and read Vick’s Victorian-era story..
I am quite happy with the Victorian look and feel of the design. Vick’s seed catalog from 1874 is the back ground, now colored in that brilliant blue.
Don’t expect to see the book until mid to late Fall.
What do you think of the cover?
Congratulations! I’m so glad your book is moving ahead. I’d love a copy when it’s printed.
Best Regards,
Beth, it has been a while since I have checked these ‘Comments’. Sorry I did not get to your comment earlier.
We connected recently through email so I feel we up to date.
Look forward to your book.
Stay healthy.
Tom Mickey
It’s lovely, and goes well with the cover of your other book.
Thank you so much. I am so glad you like the cover for the new book.Exciting times.
Stay healthy.
Tom Mickey
I think the cover is wonderful. I’ve been collecting horticultural ephemera for years, especially 19th c. seed catalogs; the plates and descriptive illustrations of Vick’s and Rice’s are my favorites! I look forward to the release of your book. Will there be advance sales?
Michael, thank you for commenting. I am just getting to respond, now that I am home more.
I am glad you like the cover. It is Vick’s catalog cover, one of your favorites.
Keep in touch with the book updates on the Ohio University Press website. The book will be listed shortly and orders are possible after that.
Stay healthy.
Tom Mickey