The genius behind the lawn at Chatsworth was Capability Brown (1716-1783). In the course of…
Just Enjoy the August Landscape

Just enjoy the August landscape –
We have worked hard in the three months of April, May, and June to get the landscape in shape. We planted trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals.
Late nineteenth century Central Park superintendent Samuel Parsons Jr. (1844-1923) founded the American Society of Landscape Architects in 1899.
He wrote his book Landscape Gardening in 1891.
In it he said that the landscape needs something to sustain us during the hot and steamy months of July and August.
He wrote, “Since we are forced to dwell more or less in the open air in July and August, constrained by fashion and the heat of the weather, it is all the more reasonable to make the extension of the house attractive.”
The past few summer weeks here in the Northeast have been particularly hot and humid.
Who feels like working in the garden in heat and humidity?
Parsons continued in these words: “and to take the opportunity of making this fashion a means of gradually developing a more widespread love of nature.”
Since it is too hot to dig and plant in the garden right now, this is the time we take to enjoy the trees and shrubs and other treasures we have carefully planted either this year or in earlier springs and earlier summers.
Parsons clearly pointed out that the landscape needs a lawn, choice trees, and a few shrubs with color.
We’ve planted them.
This is the time to enjoy the work we have done.
Parsons gave many recommendations for trees and shrubs that we could enjoy as part of the landscape.
The point he made however was we need to enjoy the landscape now. Just walk around, take it all in, and then sit down for a quiet moment or two.
We’ve worked hard. Now we enjoy.
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