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Finding the Unexpected at Chatsworth

Chatsworth, outside one of the greenhouses

As you know, Chatsworth is the grand dame of English landscape design. For the past five hundred years people have sought to walk its grounds of picturesque charm.

So it was a suprise to me last summer when visiting for the first time, I found something I did not expect.

The lawn that stretches for what  seems forever, the waterfall that descends a hill that looks more like a mountain,  are big moments in a visit to Chatsworth.

As I left the house, and headed toward the greenhouse, I turned a corner, and there  in front of me was a yellow flowering arch. I walked under it, and thought  how someone had designed this feature to let a visitor to the garden see even something small as beauty.  A moment in the garden I will remember.

To this day I cannot identify the tree or vine that covers the arch. Perhaps you know what it is?


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I discovered your blog yesterday and am enjoying reading past blogs. I believe the trees with the yellow flowers are laburnums. I have seen similar pictures in gardening books by Rosemary Verey.

    1. You identified the tree as laburnum. thanks. It took me by surprise as I turned the corner that day on the property that is many acres. This is the classic English garden, without question. Loved it.

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