The genius behind the lawn at Chatsworth was Capability Brown (1716-1783). In the course of…
Current Attempts in Branding Reflect Late Nineteenth Century Garden Industry
Last week I read about banks that want to rebrand themselves and appear more human.
In The Boston Globe article “With flame of humanity, banks try to melt their icy image” the writer Deirdre Fernandes discussed how banks are now attempting to clean up their image since many people blame them for the financial crisis that hit a few years back.
The new advertising for the banks stresses their relationship with customers. They say their banks offer people a human connection. They want to remind customers that it is the people behind the business that really matter when you deal with a bank.

Such branding, the banks hope, will become a way for people to relate to them as an organization and, at the same time, choose more of their banking services.
The banks are attempting a new branding.
At the end of the nineteenth century the seed and nursery companies also sought to establish their brand.
They did a good job.
By 1900, because the seed and nursery catalog covers illustrated the romantic English garden on the cover and inside the catalog as well, it’s that kind of garden that people wanted.
The ‘brand’ for American gardening appeared on the covers of the major seed and nursery catalogs. People wanted that kind of garden and so it appeared from California to Maine.
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