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Landscape Garden Lost Appeal

Landscape garden lost appeal. The English landscape garden, recognized by its informal, natural look of winding pathways and extensive areas of lawn, reached its peak in the mid-eighteenth century. Shortly after that the style experienced a bit of decline. The…

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Thomas Jefferson’s English Landscape

Thomas Jefferson’s English Landscape Thomas Jefferson advocated for the modern, natural, picturesque landscape design at Monticello after his trip with John Adams to tour the estate gardens of England. In his article "The Picturesque in the American Garden and Landscape…

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Victorian Garden Fashion Reappears

Victorian garden fashion reappears. Gardening has always been a mix of fashion and style. A recent article in The English Garden called "Gardening features: the bedding display"  demonstrates renewed interest in the bedding out fashion, popular in the nineteenth century.…

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Flower Beds Revolutionized English Garden

Flower beds revolutionized English garden. We take flower beds for granted, but at one time they became revolutionary, making a statement against the current garden fashion. The story began in early nineteenth century England when gardeners needed room for the…

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