The genius behind the lawn at Chatsworth was Capability Brown (1716-1783). In the course of…
Bergenia Flowers for Spring

Along our driveway a large section of granite rock gradually rises to almost four feet in height.
There in a crevice you will find the spring blooming bergenia.
I planted it many years ago.

Over time this tough plant has found a home in the rock.
Every spring I can depend on its purple flowers.
Its leaves are large, leathery, and thick. In the middle appear the flowers on long stems.
Bergenia cordifolia ‘Winterglut’
The plant grower Monrovia now offers a bergenia called bergenia cordifolia ‘Winterglut.’
The plant description says it all. This is a ” bold, low-growing rosette of large glossy, leathery, toothy, green leaves with showy stalks of small magenta flowers that emerge in early to late spring.
“Effective in shaded foreground plantings and borders.
” Cool fall weather turns the foliage a showy reddish bronze hue. An herbaceous perennial; may remain evergreen in mild winter regions.”

Victorian Favorite
A photo of bergenia plants appears In the book Victorian Gardens by Caroline Holmes. The setting is a garden, dating back to the nineteenth century.
In the photo several bergenia plants border a circular walkway. They are planted on each side of a cement bench that is at the center.
According to Holmes, the bergenia, popularly known as Elephant’s Ears, was one of English landscape designer Gertrude Jekyll’s favorite edging plants.
The UK nickname for bergenia is ‘elephant’s ears’
Charlotte 🙂
Charlotte, thanks. Great plant.