The genius behind the lawn at Chatsworth was Capability Brown (1716-1783). In the course of…
Atlanta History Center Includes Swan House

Atlanta History Center includes Swan House.
The Garden Writers Association’s recent conference in Atlanta included a visit to the Atlanta History Center.
The Center offers many sights for the visitor, including a garden history fan such as yours truly.
The historic home called the Swan House caught my eye immediately.
Though it required a bit of a walk, I made my way to see this historic home and garden first.
It did not disappoint.
The Swan House dates to the early twentieth century, with a garden now covered in heavy shade from the growth of its tall trees over the years. The center fountain as well as the rows of trimmed boxwood still offer a bit of Italian formality to the garden.
Here is the garden which is to the side of the house. [below]

It was the front of the house with its Great Gatsby car that added that bit of extra to this visit. Loved the car.

After touring the Swan House I visited the Swan Coach House Restaurant, not far away.
The restaurant once served as the garage and servants’ quarters for the Swan House.
I wanted a cup of coffee. The only seat was in the formal dining room where a bit of formality with linen table clothes, silver, and fine china awaited the visitor.
In that setting I certainly enjoyed the coffee, even adding a piece of wonderful mint julep pie just to extend my time there.
Atlanta History Center is a proud participant in Blue Star Museums, a collaboration between the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, the Department of Defense, and more than 1,800 museums across America.