The genius behind the lawn at Chatsworth was Capability Brown (1716-1783). In the course of…
19th Century Nurseryman Hovey Recognized English Designer Loudon as Inspiration

In Phildelphia nurseryman Thomas Meehan’s magazine Gardener’s Monthly of 1876 we read what an important figure English gardem writer John Claudius Loudon (1783-1843) was to American landscape gardening.
In the July issue of GM the Boston nurseryman Charles Mason Hovey wrote: “Loudon’s books have moulded and formed the present English taste for landscape art, as they have also influenced to a great degree the taste in our own country.”
New York nurseryman and landscape designer Andrew Jackson Downing frequently mentioned his ideas came from the writings of Loudon. Downing was America’s most important landscape designer in the nineteenth century.
Hovey recognized the role that Loudon played in the evolution of the American garden.
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